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Canarsie Courier – FVAC Paramedic Recognized For 35 Years Of Service

By Arthur De Gaeta
Photo By  Steve Solomonson

Onn Wednesday, December 15th, members of the Flatlands Volunteer Ambulance Corps held their annual awards dinner at the Hudson River Yacht Club. Almost 60 members, all EMTs and paramedics, gathered together with family and friends for an evening of food and conversation. An award was presented to paramedic Joseph Auerbach (pictured center) for his 35 years of dedication to the volunteer ambulance corps. Pictured with Auerbach are Captain Joseph Marcelino (left) and EMT Stuie Weiselberg (right). There were also service awards and Member of the Year awards to those who dedicated themselves to helping those in need.

See Original Article  https://canarsiecourier.com/paramedic-recognized-for-years-of-service-p8049-199.htm


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